Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ category

First breaking news story in a long time

July 19, 2011

Dating back to my college newspaper days, as a photographer, the news department always kept you on edge in the hopes that we could cover any breaking news story on campus.  That meant getting woken up by phone calls, texts and emails by editors and news room folks that thought a fire drill in a dorm may mean the dorm burning to the ground.  Seldom is there breaking news in northern NJ…but I was woken up by a photo editor saying there was a 5 alarm fire within five minute drive from home…so I said why not.

A long needed update to this blog

July 19, 2011

Never has this blog gone so long without getting a post since its inception, and for that I apologize…its not dead, I promise.  This blog isnt for words, but for photos, so enough with the words and on with the photos.  I hope for this post to be followed by many more posts of photos I’ve taken over the past few months.  The photos on this post were from a minor league baseball game where, Mets super star Jose Reyes played a rehab game.

Lebron Takes over NY

January 3, 2011

My first NBA game of the season, and last one of the year was a marquee matchup.  The streaking NY Knickerbockers to take on the Miami Heat.  There were so many plot lines: NY doing unusually well…Lebron facing the NY crowd for the first time since ‘The Decision,” …but at the end of the night, it was just another bball game at Madison Square Garden.


Giants roll over the Redskins

December 6, 2010

Staying warm on the sidelines of a frigid December Giants game can be tough…especially when I refuse to wear a winter jacket.  Running up and down the sidelines with the ball, and 50 lbs of equipment bouncing around on those awkward runs along the sidelines can be impossible with a big winter jacket.  My camera straps always slide off, so instead, I wear about 5/6 layers of Nike/Underarmour combinations.  I end up being fine during the game, but my toes always feel like theyre going to fall off.  I’m still tweaking the perfect outfit for winter football.  Enjoy some of the pix from the Giants routing of the Washington Redskins.

Turkey Day Football

December 1, 2010

Football is kicking into high gear.  As the collegiate season starts to wrap up, the NFL season is getting intense.  Both New York teams look pretty good, with the Jets pulling wins out of thin air, and the Giants marching along.  I wasnt so sure I was going to enjoy shooting on thanksgiving day, but it was a good game, and while freezing, everyone stayed dry.  Enjoy some images from the Bengals at Jets as well as a few selects from a high school football portrait I shot this week.

Its November…College BBall

November 30, 2010

While I’ve been focusing on football for most of this fall, it felt great to hit the hard wood, and shoot my first bball games of the season on the best of courts, Madison Square Garden.  Even though the lighting stinks, the people are usually rude, and you have to deal with Manhattan traffic….there’s no better stage for a collegiate team to feel like its on the top of the world.  I was able to shoot a few games at the Garden during the NIT Pre-Season tip off.  I was kind of hoping that my alma-matter made it into the final four that travel to the Garden, but without Mensah-Bonsu, Hall, Pinnock and Elliot, its going to take a while for GW to have a dream team again.  Enjoy…


44,000 People Take to the Streets of NYC

November 8, 2010

While the running of the NYC Marathon is a grueling task (or so I’ve heard), trying to encapsulate the 26.2 mile run through the five boroughs of the City in a single photo is near impossible.  Many publications have teams of photographers on the race, and on this day, I was a part of a team of nine other photographers, all of us trying to get THE shot.  It was a long day that started around 5am, with scouting the right point on the route in Brooklyn.  After finding that spot, and getting some hot chocolate (it was in the 20s that early), I then planned out in my head how the rest of the day would go.  This would be the first race, where I would try and hit two separate spots on the route…the first in Brooklyn as the runners come off the Verezano Bridge, and then speed up to Harlem, and shoot around Marcus Garvey Park.  I made it up there before the race was over, and the shot in the paper ended up being from Harlem (first pic below).  Here are some of the outtakes, enjoy.




In a Football State of Mind

September 17, 2010

To get pumped up for my first regular season game this wkend, I’m sticking with the football theme this week…maybe that’ll be the theme all fall..who knows.  During the preason games, most of what I was doing was just taking up space on the sidelines to make sure no one got hurt.  If so…I better pray that I got the shot of them going down.  Due to the size of a football field, it’s almost impossible to cover every play, and depending on if you’re just shooting the home team or shooting both, running up and down the sidelines in those terrible looking red photo vests can sometimes be a good work out…not as good as going to the gym though.

J-E-T-S, Revis, Revis Revis

September 16, 2010

Summer is full of a lot of waiting in the sports world…baseball is the only real sport in progress, but even baseball, you do a lot of waiting for the ball to be ripped to center field.  There was no shortage of waiting in the NY football community, 34 days to be exact, but the football world made sure it felt like forever.  As Revis took the stage in front of a packed room of journalists, I raced to their practice facility in Florham Park, and luckily caught the end of his presser.

A New Post…Finally.

September 14, 2010

After shooting non-stop for the better part of the last month, I have neglected to update this blog.  While I give my facebook statuses and twitter feeds random updates as to my whereabouts, I’ve left this blog out…so I am making up for it this week, by posting a new post every day until the end of the week…let’s see if I can uphold that promise.

I’ll go from most recent to oldest in terms of these updates, so the this first update will be all tennis.  For the better part of two weeks, I shot the US Open in Queens for the NY Times.  The tournament is overrun with photographers in every corner and crevice.  Making a unique image is next to impossible, because most than likely, there’s a wire service standing next to you.  Over the two week span, I pulled some of my favorite shots from the event.  The first pic below landed on the front page of Sept 14th’s New York Times.  1 day until another post but another 123 days until the next Slam…